What A Good Locksmith Should Be Able to Do


Everyone needs the name and phone number of a good locksmith because it happens to everyone – locked out of the house, locked out of the car, or baby locked in the bathroom. How many people have not had at least one of these happen to them!


Many would say that locksmithing is the science and the art of making and then defeating locks. This is a very traditional occupation that has been around for years. In many countries, locksmithing requires an apprenticeship. Formal education is required but varies from country to country. It can be merely a training certification, to a diploma from a college of engineering (in Austria), in addition to serving an apprenticeship.

Electronic or computer locks

Those who learn some computer skills can also be able to help those who are locked out of their computer or cell phone. But, most of the time this does need further education in the computer field.

US residential locksmith

A good residential locksmith in the United States should be able to do most of the following:

  • Home entry; the open locked door
  • Rekey locks onsite to stop any other keys from working
  • Mailbox keys and locks
  • Locks for sliding glass doors
  • Install both pick resistant and bump resistant locks
  • Assessment of home security
  • Install gate locks as well as deadbolts on gates that match house keys
  • Install electronic locks (never get locked out again)

Moving into a new home

If you are moving into a new home, it is recommended that you have a security check of all your locks. They can update all your locks, both electronic as well as those using keys. A good locksmith can give you all the tips on affordable ways to keep your home protected. But before you use any locksmith for this type of work make certain they are licensed and bonded, so you know you are protected against any scammers or frauds.