Finding a Roof Leak and Repairing It


Roof leaks are a major issue in many homes especially during the monsoon season, People perceive roof leakages as disturbing, and they try different things to fix the leakage. In most cases, the source of the roof leakage is difficult to track as it leak may originate away from the place where leaks show up. So, it is essential to find roof leak as quickly as possible and perform roof repair to get relieved from further problems.

Water leaks out through worn or broken shingles or poorly sealed roofs or chimneys or from the intersection of roof panels. Once the water crosses the roofing, it passes through along sheathing or topside of the ceiling to find the place that causes water dripping on to floor or furniture or other household items. In such cases, it is more sensible to check through the attic and ceiling if necessary with any magnifier or torchlight to find the leak. This helps to see the leaks when a leak is in visible places or is big enough to be observed by the naked eye.

If the leak cannot be found by visual inspection on the roof, it is better to wait for dry weather so that the roof fully dries up. Then, take two persons one at the attic and another person on the roof. The person on the roof will fill up water and the person in the attic will watch for any leak; this can help you to find difficult leaks. So, to perform quick roof repair, the following steps will help:

  • In many home improvement centers, 12-by-12 inch piece of the galvanized metal sheet can be found. This metal roof can be used to repair flashing.
  • It is essential to make sure that the repair is going to be performed when the weather is dry and warm. This is done to make sure that both roofing and asphalt will be pliable so that it will be safe to work on the roof.
  • Once ready to repair in dry weather, lift the damaged shingle with one hand and slip the metal flashing sheet to cover the hole.
  • It is also essential to pry up with many roofing nails on the missing or damaged shingle to push the flashing under the course for proper fix above the leak.