What Kind Of Mattress Would Be Perfect for You


A healthy and sound sleep depends on the quality of a person’s berth. The design and comfort of the bed are important, but not the only characteristic of a comfortable stay. Of decisive importance is the choice of mattress. Manufacturers offer a large number of options that differ in their technical characteristics, design, and composition of the filler.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is necessary to study the main features of the products and take advantage of specialist advice. With the non-toxic mattress review, you can have the best deal now.

Its rigidity directly depends on the version of the mattress, therefore, the possibility of using people of different ages, health status, and level of physical activity. The main types of structures are:

Best Choices

Mattresses with dependent blocks in which the springs are interconnected. Under mechanical stress, several adjacent elements are compressed, which makes the product soft enough. Demand for such models is declining, despite the low cost.

  • Products with independent springs consist of separate, unrelated elements. Such mattresses are characterized by elasticity, flexibility and good orthopedic properties. The number of spring blocks per unit area determines the quality of the product. The more independent elements a model has, the higher it is valued.
  • Springless models are considered an excellent spring-loaded alternative. Such mattresses have good elasticity and rigidity, and their characteristics are determined by the composition of the filler. The highest quality options are considered with natural coconut fiber or latex.
  • Combined models are equipped with several layers of filler, different in composition. The sides of such mattresses are characterized by rigidity and texture, which makes them practical, functional and convenient to use.

In addition to the design, the dimensions of the product are considered an important selection criterion. When buying, you need to choose a model whose dimensions are less than the bed’s berth by 10-20 mm. In this case, the product lies tightly on the bed, and its edges do not hang on the sides.

Features of the choice of filler

In the manufacture of mattresses, manufacturers use a variety of materials, through the use of which the characteristics and cost of the models change. More expensive are natural compounds that give the mattress elasticity, resilience, environmentally friendly and safe for health. Cheaper are models made on the basis of artificial materials.

The following types of fillers are considered the most popular and in-demand:

  • Strong and durable natural latex, instantly restoring shape after unloading.
  • Safe for health, practical and inexpensive polyurethane foam is used in budget category mattresses. Its disadvantages include the service life, much inferior to similar options from natural latex.
  • Struttofiber is one of the most popular fillers in the world. The material quickly restores shape, has high elasticity, is well ventilated and is inexpensive.
  • Horse hair does not absorb moisture and odors, is durable and elastic. With its help, it is possible to obtain mattresses with a high level of stiffness.
  • The most high-quality and expensive filler is coconut coir, durable, elastic and safe for health. Due to its excessive rigidity and high cost, the material is most often used in combination with other compounds of artificial and natural origin.

When choosing a mattress, the composition of the filler must be paid increased attention. If you have financial capabilities, it is best to choose options with natural components. Artificial materials are also suitable since they cost significantly less, and in their characteristics are not much inferior to more expensive options. It is not recommended to purchase cheap mattresses with foam rubber or batting, as their quality and service life do not meet modern requirements.