When And How To Conduct Fire Drills At The Workplace: Here Are Some Tips


The importance of fire drills is often ignored. People tend to take such drills for granted assuming that they already know what to do in case of a fire emergency. But — like what many fire alarm companies Maryland have experienced — people still get caught off-guard once fire strikes; they panic, and in turn, the extent of the damage worsens.

This article aims to equip you with tips on when and how to hold fire drills at your workplace.

Frequency of Fire Drills

As a manager or owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your employees. You should also see to it that your property is protected from dangers, including fire emergencies.

Fire drills are designed to train people on how to respond in case a fire breaks out. Regular drills that are done effectively are proven to help minimize the damage once a real fire engulfs one’s workplace. Industry experts advise that fire drills should be done at least once a year. Every drill should also be recorded and assessed.

However, apart from the scheduled drills, fire alarm companies Maryland also recommended conducting unscheduled ones. These aim to test your employees’ actual readiness to practice standard fire safety and evacuation procedures.

How To Conduct Fire Drills Effectively

In this section, we’re giving you ways on how to effectively conduct fire drills.

Create a safety committee. This committee should be composed of representatives or “safety team leaders” coming from each department. They are tasked to ensure the safety of their department’s employees in the event of a fire evacuation. They’re also assigned in guaranteeing that their people comply with the procedures that need to be done during fire drills.

Properly disseminate your company’s evacuation plan. Coming up with a sound and strategic evacuation plan is one thing. Making sure all employees know about it is another. Put out memos and use your safety committee to help disseminate your evacuation plan effectively.

Use different fire drill scenarios. What happens in a certain fire drill can be utterly different from what happens in a real-life emergency. To better prepare for the real thing, it’s wise to change up fire drill scenarios every now and then. For instance, conduct a fire drill wherein the usual fire exits are blocked.

Take visitors and non-employees in fire drill plans. Apart from your employees, other people will come to your workplace. When conducting fire drills, don’t forget to take visitors, clients, and vendors into account. Safety committee members should be there to guide these non-employees. And make sure that all exit routes and points are properly labeled.

Reevaluate your fire evacuation plan. As mentioned, you should record and monitor the performance of your employees during fire drills. Fire experts and fire alarm companies Maryland advise that based on these records, you need to regularly evaluate your evacuation plan to see if it’s effective in ensuring the safety of your employees during fire emergencies.

Conduct them regularly. Repetition and practice are key. This is why fire drills should be done regularly and diligently — not in a half-hearted manner. By doing so, you are imparting important life-saving techniques and mindset to your employees, which they can use even outside the confines of your workplace.

WFX is one of the most trusted fire alarm companies Maryland. Contact us today if you need fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, and other fire protection equipment.