Why Should You Choose a Local Solar Provider?


Going local with a solar provider is really important, and is about so much more than simply supporting businesses in your area – although this is a perfectly valid reason for going local, of course. 

However, while there will inevitably be several companies that pop up if you conduct an internet search for local solar providers, it’s essential that you check just what they mean by ‘local’. Are they really in your area, or are they working from out-of-state and merely advertising that they’re local? Usually, a quick phone call or some deeper digger online will help you ascertain just how local they are. 

So, going local with a solar provider is a great idea, but why exactly? Here are just a few reasons:

You can avoid drop shipping

Local companies typically maintain an inventory of solar panels in their warehouses, but for a company based primarily out of state, they may have the necessary equipment shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customers home. This means that you’ll be expected to protect and keep the panels secure until the company are ready to come and install them, and in many instances, this can be a period of days, if not weeks. 

A significant investment like solar panels, shouldn’t be left at risk of theft or damage at your home, but by going with a local solar provider, you’ll avoid this problem for sure. 

You’ll get a quicker service time

Whenever you need your solar panels serviced, cleaned, or repaired, you’ll get a much quicker response from a local company, and even if they’re busy, they’ll likely get to you far swifter than a large, out of state firm. 

You’ll get the most accurate information

With their specialized knowledge of the area, a local solar company could help save you time and money in the following areas:

  • Permits
  • Building and electrical regulations
  • Weather conditions and seasonality

Going with a local provider also ensures that you get the best equipment and products for the climate in your region, which can make a big difference to the efficacy of the entire system. 

Long term benefits

With your new solar system potentially supplying you with clean, green energy for the next 25 years at least, you’ll be far better off with a company who are likely to stick around for as long. Typically, out of state companies are more likely to leave to a new area once incentives have gone, or the local market has been saturated, whereas a local company will be more focused on long term growth within the community.

For the best solar experience, have your panels installed by a local provider so that you can reap the rewards listed above.